10 Habits of Stylish Guys: Upgraded and Evolution-ized

I have no affinity to lists, and have earlier depicted my distaste towards dissecting a passion, a chore or a piece of advice into a rounded number of pieces. (Only of course to have inevitably fallen for the trap and churned out a list myself). Thus I grimaced when, in a circle of friends (blogless, hence no linkage here), one pulled up a list for ten habits of stylish guys, mainly to laugh over the lack of following amidst several of us. Sure, us boys know that they should use cologne on a date night or at a club, or that it is good to shave despite the stubble being thankfully in vogue (!) – two thumbs up for not shaving often, it is just too much of a bother when you’re yawning away in the AM.  We know how to not show the world that we’re entirely too lazy, but some things are sometimes just an inch too much for convenience to make the effort. I agree with this notion, but what I saw took me by surprise.

I was slightly appalled by the otherwise trustworthy Ask Men Dot Com’s listing. Not that it was incorrect in its entirety, but rather I felt it was severely outdated. Most of the elements dealt with grooming, fashion, and the management of these, written in the dry, matter-of-factly tone that suits the average guy. Which is all fine, but the pointers stuck out like polka dots of the 70s in today’s time, yearning to be either long forgotten or tactfully updated to suit the Twitter-Facebook friendly mindset of millenials.

So, despite  Ask Men Dot Com’s candid recommendations, I honestly disagree with the fundamentals of the suggestions on the list. On much insistence from my blogless buddies, I have decided to rewrite/rephrase/update the ten pointers, sadly succumbing to the top ten list once again. I will simply go step by step to counter-suggest or provide a more clarified view of their top ten points, without eluding too much to the fact that they have missed out on a few important elements themselves (men’s grooming products variety, the sharpness of accessories like cufflinks, belts and sunglasses, etc.). This time the list is for an upgraded cause, with absolutely no offense intended!

Decipher the Code: AM.C = Ask Men Dot Com , S^3 = yours Truly

AM.C – No.10 – Have a reliable barber and see them every four weeks

S^3 – No. 10 – Invest in styling products

For those with a nomadic lifestyle or one which swings like pendulum of unpredictability, having only one reliable barber and making it a point to visit them monthly is a difficult task, especially when you would rather the spend evenings and nights in happening hotspots, and weekend mornings in bed or on a miniature vacation. Instead, I would suggest investing in styling products . Product lines have a plethora of fascinating products for day/night/club/office/date/beach, and more importantly, for a variety of hair lengths from barely there to unfathomable tresses. Investing in products for different hair lengths prevents taking that trip to the barber to running a razor over the scalp. Plus you will be able to change your look effortlessly. And Philips has created many remarkable products that take all of 10 seconds to clip away flyaways and sideburns, if that’s what bothers you.

A quick breakdown tells you that gels are for shiny hold, varying from flimsy flexibility for wavy hair to a sheen and slicked back retro look  to a super spiky control (the world’s most popular male style). Waxes and pomades are more mattifying and re-pliable all day long. They provide a wider range of deliverables ranging from articulated look to a subtle and refined one to a dishevled and messy attitude. And the introduction of mens hair spray makes sure things stay in place, without looking wispy and undone. There are gazillions of product textures and types in between these two extremes, so a curious online tour of your favorite brand or visit to a salon (with the goal that such visits languish over time) should entice your curiosity.

AM.C – No.9 – Take pride in storing clothes

S^3 – No. 9 – Take pride in (creative) storage space

While it would be ideal to store clothes in a structured fashion, it is unlikely to last as a long term plan. Inevitably so, since we are guys, and things will fall apart. The late party or work day will culminate with the tie peeking out of the trash can, a shirt lounging on the couch like a lazy cat, and the shoes walking in opposite directions as if recovering from a leather breakup. Instead of buying hangers, spacing clothes, etc., I’d simply suggest to have more space if you have more clothes. Fold the few sweaters, and lock them up during summer. Hang the daily wear shirts. And treat party clothes with party-friendly respect – the wrinkled look didn’t come in style without reason did it? And if something that is supposed to be more corporate looks a bit wrinkled, toss it in the dryer before showering and it will emerge dewrinkled thereafter. Or place it between two mattresses and sleep on it; f you aren’t a heavy duty wrestler in your sleep or are unlikely to participate in bedspring creak-inducing activities, it should work. Or better yet, by anti-wrinkle clothing, especially for work! Toss it, trash it, crumble it or walk on it, it will still be fine to wear! Just don’t dirty your clothes, and if you do, turn to Point No. 6.

With all that said, this is perhaps the a point that is still somewhat valid from Ask Men’s list, applicable to all guys but executed by the single digit percentage of those for whom systematism works.

Photo Courtesy: The Satorialist

AM.C – No.8 – Splurge on investment pieces (i.e. fabrics)

S^3 – No. 8 – Focus on timing before splurging

Most expensive clothing items are simply attaching 90% of the value to the brand. And moreover, the style will not last forever. Wool coats or camel trenches may physically last forever, but if the new look is skinny, you won’t be stylish floating in something baggy. Or if your body type changes due to your derriere-on-the-chair career, you’ll douse more fat-inducing snacks in regret of purchasing an evergreen blazer that you cannot button up. So,  it is simply no point to splurge on investment pieces like fabrics. Instead, stop ignoring the fact that you are not aware of fantastic deals in the post-Christmas and New Years time period, or during beginning of summer. These  are the best times to shop;  you will score a deal, and nobody should frown if you hit a good sale. Plus, you will look sharp and smart at any point in time, on any occasion; unlike the guy who has been wearing the same grand-worth suede jacket to an event for fourteen months straight…

AM.C – No.7 – Buy multiples

S^3 – No. 7 – Buy variety, not multiples

Two of the same jeans and pants? Only if you live in the middle of nowhere with only one store around you. With a thousand options everywhere, and given that men’s fits are pretty standard with variations on skinny and lose (which are clearly identified), simply do not buy multiples. Jeans can look good worn, can’t they? So why have two pairs? That’s twice the wear time required to break into them.

The multiples suggestion may not be economical either; if you buy half the amount of pants for instance, you may need to make sure you are not doing the same with shirts, perhaps even buying more to compensate, else you will have coworkers or dates sniffing you for the showerless scent when you are inevitably caught wearing the same outfit multiple occasions. As for black pants, they are not noticed often enough anyway, so you may as well buy in varieties depending on your mood, the price, the fit, the store, the location, your significant other’s suggestion, etc. There are way too many stores and varieties for you to purchase multiples; high waist vs. low rise, pleated vs. flat-front, flare leg vs. fitted, midnight black vs. charcoal black… the combinations are endless, so why restrict yourself? Go for variety, not multiples.

AM.C – No.6 – Have a reliable tailor and dry cleaner

S^3 – No. 6 – Be flexible, not picky; and learn laundry

Having one is great, but for nomadic lifestyles, not practical. Dry cleaners have popped up in every city, whether its  a metropolitan or a suburb, and frankly the technology for dry-cleaning is not too different or difficult, hence making it a popular business for startups. So why find a unique one? They are all reliable, and can be equivalently sued for mistakes that they are unlikely to make anyway. Cleaning is essential, no doubts about that. So, instead of dry cleaning, which is also harmful to the health, learn how to read your laundry labels.

As for tailors, go on recommendation, and have a different tailor for a different type of clothing, if you must stick to one. Know where to draw the line; a quarter inch hem for instance will not affect your style content much. And if something requires so much alteration that you are becoming the designer, its probably best to either find a personal designer, or abandon the item. Flexibility is the key here, since pickiness will simply lead to inconvenience, without a strong return on the investment!

Photo Courtesy: The Satorialist

AM.C – No.5 – Shop often but buy seldom

S^3 – No. 5 – Equate shopping and buying frequency

Gasp-evoking statement aside, you cannot shop often and not buy, for then that would be: not a guy. If you are that curious about trends, you will be surprised how often these things come up in conversation. Simply peel your eyes as your are strolling the streets, or take the 20 seconds to flick through the catalogs that flood your mailbox, or better yet, scroll through a brand’s twitter page, a point elaborated in Point No. 2. The goal is to equate the act of shopping and buying frequency. Whether that means shopping way less or buying way more depends on your preference (I think the former may be best suited for several of us).

AM.C – No.4 – Treat trends as calculated risks

S^3 – No. 4 – Treat trends as your friends

If you are not with a trend, you cannot be stylish. This is Ask Men Dot Com’s stylish guys habits list, after all. A fad should be differentiated from a lovemark. For example, if scarves suit you, wear them – always. If funky cuff links garner compliments, make them your habit.

Men’s trends generally do not tend to be outrageous anyway, so why shy away from them? Off late they have ranged from large aviators to smart shiny shoes, from skinny ties to pocket squares, from waistcoats to distressed jeans, from colorful Pumas to white belts, from cardigans to Russian winter hats… None are the types that willmake you look like a buffoon in public; rather they are enhancers that can depict you as one who is with the world, not behind it. And it is easy to simply carry things off effortlessly so that the embrace with the trend is subtle, not flamboyant. So put on a cardigan on a casual date or to run an errand in the chilly weather, tuck in the pocket square on a black tie event, wear a white belt to a club (if you are happy to draw attention to your toned waistline, of course), and put on those aviators to fight the sun (and stare at what catches your fancy, without incriminating yourself, or worse, being given a slap in the face). Your goal epitomizes the Innovation mindset; instead of swaying between attraction and intelligence, gather them both and stride forward. The challenge is not in frightfully backing away from a trend, but by embracing it with guts and taming it to suit your style. That’s the mark of a smart guy!

AM.C – No.3 – Have a signature scent

S^3 – No. 3 – Have a scent for every mood; or be a signature changer

Signature scents are an absolute no-no to today’s generation. This may sound ironic, with reference to to Point No. 4, where I have just suggested to have a trend for yourself, like a scarves and bright pocket squares that are making a comeback. But scents are tricky, especially when trying to entrance women. Do not roll your eyes here, since to a certain degree, we are always trying to do this – at the gym, at work, at a bar, in a club, in a patisserie… Some scents can be an instant turnoff – think heavy musk or oversweet vanilla. And if you happen to pick up one that is a bestseller, then you will end up smelling like the other guys around you, or worse yet, like your new date’s ex-boyfriend whom she is trying to forget.

A signature scent spells boredom. Things go in and out, citrus for summer, exotic for abroad, etc. Have a few that you like, and switch between them appropriately. Wear a heavy dark one for the night, and a fresher one for work, and a sporty one for the gym (yes, it does matter). If you are under a budget, a quick look at fragrance houses shows that the likes of Armani and Davidoff pack decent sized combinations of their favorites into a single package, aptly targeted to the multi-tasking active dude. So, head out there to explore, finding the balance between emotional intelligence and emotional attraction; more on the latter, to evoke a Passionate Mindset. Be creative, spontaneous, and varietous.

AM.C – No.2 – Bookmark three fashion sites and visit them weekly

S^3 – No. 3 – Follow fashion forward twitter pages, reading what appeals in 140 characters

This is the epitome of recommending a dinosaur tactic. In today’s Twitter and Digg friendly environment, the internet is as extinct as bell bottoms. Indeed, the internet is quickly languishing in terms of its usage, a surprise for many, but an inevitable consequence due to our ability to synchronize our webspace life via other mediums. Think about it; checking your mails on your Android, seeing your Twitter and Facebook feeds on your Iphone, browsing the news on your Ipad, all whilst being connected, but not using the internet.

It is good to stay “in”, but with Facebook and Twitter, it is more efficient and easier to simply get quicker and up-to-date updates in your busy and bustling life. For example, if a 140-character line of something in your twitter feed entices you, read on, but if a line like ‘the Wingtip shoe makes a comeback’ means nothing to you, ignore it. At least it has registered in your mind without you taking the time to acknowledge the trend via website browsings via a list of endless bookmarks. You will stay up to date, cut the redundancy and time wastage, and the efficiency factor will inevitably make you seem sharper and more stylish!

AM.C – No.1 – Pick outfits the night before they’re worn

S^3 – No. 1 – Sway between spontaneity and coordinated organization

It is certainly not a bad idea to pick outfits the night before they are worn, as we all did when were were twelve. But the execution is not always implementable, despite the terrific suggestion (two thumbs up, AM.C). It works if you return home the night before the next day (i.e. if you are home before midnight) and live a life where there is a ritual to follow that goes something like this: come home, stack the shoes, change the clothes, place them in the laundry basket, fold the clothes, brush your teeth, floss between your teeth, plug your phone charger, make an incessant call … you get the point, we do not live a predictable life anymore. With too much going on and more Foursquare locations to hit up on a daily basis, who has the energy to eventually pick outfits the night before?

We are all gifted with spontaneity. It works for some, it does not for others. If you know you are the whimsical spontaneous type who can concoct something trendy in seconds, keep it that way. If you may need some more help, there is no point spending the extra minutes standing vertical in front of a messy closet when all you want is to be horizontal.The key is to interweave this point with Point No. 9. to suit your lifestyle. An easy solution is to simply organize outfits by match; white shirts and pinstripe pants, for instance – if you have 3 sets, keep them as sets (instead of trousers on one side, shirts on the other). That way, when you are strolling out of bed an hour after your snooze button has woken up your neighbor and are cursing at the shower for its existence, you know that at least there is a quick and easy clothing set waiting for you to  squirm into and get moving.

Photo Courtesy: The Sartorialist

Hopefully the S^3 update brings a bit more relevance and zing into the otherwise vanilla AM.C list.

With that said, I am still not a follower of such lists. I feel that millennial men are distinct from their counterparts of Generation X and the kids who grew up in the 70s and 80s (for those readers who this refers to, I understand that you are now shocked, but such is the tragic nature of life, and the speedboat that time has now boarded. It will happen to all of us soon; think about it, the first decade of the 2000s is already over; to think the kids born in 2000 (babies!?!) will be entering adolescence soon… if it has not shocked you enough already, then recall that these kids were born when Shrek 1 just hit the screens).

Back to millenials, we are not slobs, stupid, single minded or non-global. A urban mix of traits has infiltrated millennial men, which is significantly better than yesteryears when we felt jeans were only laborious working wear; although I very much doubt that are qualities are as far fetched as some personal care brands are making it seem – wake up to Jean Paul Gautier’s men’s make-up line complete with eyeliner and brow-gel! Not too many guys I know are ready for this, but we shall see what happens by 2020. For now, here is a peak at what is being marketed to us.

Message: Style suggestions are preferred if they are relevant to a time period. No offense, Ask Men Dot Com!

Lesson: Do what you want, but believe in evolution, and upgrade accordingly.

After all, there is a reason that the world Revolution has the word Evolution in it.

83 responses to “10 Habits of Stylish Guys: Upgraded and Evolution-ized

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 10 Habits of Stylish Guys: Upgraded and Evolution-ized « Food, Fashion & Frameworks -- Topsy.com·

    • Haha duplicate comments! Awesome though. I know some of these suggestions were strange so my counteractive stance needed to be swift and witty right? Thanks for liking.

    • I completely agree! I’m glad you liked my upgraded list. I think AskMen’s was in need of an upgrade on a few accounts… And agreed, I’m glad the stubble look isn’t frowned upon anymore. Interesting running blog, by the way, I’ll be sure to follow!

    • Thanks so much for your comment! Definitely appreciated when it comes both from guys trying to style up or women like yourself wanting guys look great. Trust me guys do care too, we’d just rather keep it under wraps, and perhaps blog about it 🙂 Ask Men .com isn’t a top hit site for nothing after all! A great blog you have, with an intriguing name that I’m quite curious about.

  2. But, what if you don’t care about lists or being “stylish”? I still wear clothes I bought ten years ago and I rarely if ever wear cologne. I reject much of what the fashion world determines is “fashionable”. I wear what I like to please only myself or my wife.

    And there’s the crux, I found a wife who had similar views about fashion – it’s for the birds.

    I’d rather spend money on books or necessities than clothing. There is no such thing as extra spending money or the luxury of spending money frivolously. A fool and his money are soon parted. I look at my basement and see many things I shouldn’t have bought but did because I felt I “needed” them.

    Fashion is not life.

    • I couldn’t agree less, fashion is not life. Hence the post is probably targetted for guys wishing to be more stylish. Regarding your fact that you still wear items you bought 10 years ago, I have documented style changes to show that things don’t really go out of style and follow a cycle: The Cyclicality of Denim Jeans: Part 1

      So no worries! Greatly appreciated comment. Agreed, books are of great knowledge and other things are necessary; I am an avid reader and don’t think social media can replace books. But being into style, I think it falls somewhere in my top 10 likes of life too! And although you mention some may not care about being stylish, this is an interesting post to read about how Dad’s stuff can be a goldmine! : http://hubpages.com/hub/MensFashionTimetoExploreDearOldDadsStuff

  3. Eyeliner, make up, hmm…I think with newer generatyions they will be a bit more open to it as long as it’s not too over the top but shown how it can improve the quality of your skincare. That might be pasable, but I know I won’t be applying eyeliner or using a brow pencil while trying to make it in time towork. That’s a bit much for now. But who knows we’ll see in 10 or so years how it could shift in fashion dynamics. great post!

    • Yeah I’m not endorsing Gaultier at all, its just a peak into the future. I don’t think I have the time, patience, the need, or the desire to put on so much before work/partying etc. I endorse colognes and lip balm but thats about it.

      I’ve noticed that things are on the rise though. Countless times I’ve spotted the trend, especially in city-centrics. 10 years? I think 20.

    • Thanks!!

      Agreed, its interesting how we do so much while ‘connected’ but not on the internet. I think the internet is languishing, and I love twitter for the 140 character limit, so if something interests you, click the link and read on, and if not, skip it (but it has registered in your sub conscious for the “I’ve heard that too..” conversation).

  4. “If you are not with a trend, you cannot be stylish”.

    Dude, I set the trends myself – you are either the one that goes with the flow or the one that stands out 😉

    • Then you are the trend. And are hence stylish.

      What I’m trying to say is that trends existing simultaneously and distinctly, there is no singular trend that exist at one point in time. Coexistence is inevitable.

  5. Pingback: Habits of Stylish Guys « Willy Wonka's Adventures·

  6. Hi there! I stumbled onto your blog courtesy of the ‘freshly pressed’ from WP dot com. I love your list – mostly because I adore reading lists… which is not to say that I adhear to them as much as I laugh with my friends about the absurdness of some of the suggestions. Learn laundry – good call! My guy has tried, but inevitably I end up with Barbie Doll sized tops when he throws ‘lay flat to dry’ shirts into the dryer! Thank you for the fun read this afternoon =)

    • Glad you enjoyed it! As you noticed at the top of the post, I’m not a fan of lists, but this one was pleading to be written about. I agree though, its fun to read the absurdness of some. Laundry is essential to style, I think, and it is also a pain! But over time I’ve gotten used to taking care the right way! I think it is critical to learn to prevent mishaps.

      Enjoyed your blog too, about to post a comment now!

  7. I’m making 365 copies of your blog today and sending them once a day to my manager Mr. Bricks. Maybe he will get the hint of just how unstylish he is.

    Thanks for helping him out.



    Congrats Sssourabh on your Freshly Pressed highlight

    • Thanks for the gracious comments Ava! I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope Mr. Bricks picks up some pointers too :). Glad to connect, I’ll definitely reconnect with you on your multiple social media outreaches too!

      Loved your enjoyable new halloween dog post, its alarming and true!

  8. I love the idea of taking a list from somewhere else on the web and respectfully working it over. I’m totally stealing this idea (linking to your post here as well as whoever I decide to dispute.) I’m sure there’s a major movie site whose list of favorite Halloween horror viewing I totally don’t agree with.

    • Thanks! I know right, don’t you so often read lists by amazing sites and think “Why is this on there?” I think this one did it for me, and this is the first in a list of chronicles that I will continue to document. Thanks in advance for linking to my post! I look forward to your posting, and will link to it in my next refuting-top-10! Lets hope I don’t refute your top 10, haha! Though knowing that your blog is totally in time for Halloween, you’ll have things RIGHT on.

    • Great, thanks for the comments and praise. I figured the style element needs an update, so I’m glad to have brough you ‘back to the market’ 🙂 Lots going on out there, and as the Gaultier video points out, lots more to come (as I frown in apprehension, since I may be up-to-date but am not that advanced yet).

      Your photography blog is great! What camera do you have? As you can tell, I’m also big on the photo scene. About to comment!

  9. awesome post, congrats on FP…love the list..and I really hope makeup for men never really takes off. I mean, I have a thing for guys in eyeliner, but it’s more a goth thing then a “honey, we’re late for dinner, can you please stop checking your eyeliner” thing! lol

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks for the compliments! I agree, its a bit too soon for such a huge leap! Moisturizer and lip balm and such is fine, but makeup is a slight stretch. You’re comment is hilarious and brings forward the raw reality of consumer behavior and why companies must RESEARCH their target markets before coming up with new product lines :). Thanks again!

      Interesting articles on your blog too, especially about Facebook and social media.

    • I’m sure you’re not that far behind, so no worries! Glad to have provided some good reading and pointers, hopefully to steer you in the right direction!

      Great blog and artwork by the way, just checked it out.

  10. I stick a gray fedora on with everything I wear. That way, if I have to leave really early in the morning, I don’t have to worry about my hair. Plus, it matches practically everything. I couldn’t agree more on learning how to do your own laundry.

    • Thats awesome, a self created sense of style exudes a lot of confidence and will definitely create a trend. I’m sure there are lots who’ve seen you and copied the style! Interesting you bring up the gray fedora, as I’ve been noticing the hat trend for guys coming along quite rapidly. I may blog on it soon, and reference you of course!

      I personally invest more in styling products (hence point #1) but I definitely agree that a gray fedora works with everything, looks great, and makes getting out of the house quickly an easier task.

      Laundry, absolutely. I toss away so much less stuff having learned to read laundry. Thanks for your compliments!

    • Thanks for the likes! Good to see you enjoy watching, hopefully the post creates a bit more awareness :). Love your blog’s nomadic description, by the way.

  11. Pingback: Five Scary Horror Films From the Past Two Decades « In It For The Kills: Horror Perspectives·

    • Thanks for your compliments! Glad to be of assistance/guidance. Yeah I’ve definitely heard that some need the ‘style gene’ but honestly I think most guys (and girls alike) have a sense of style, unique as it may be!, its just up to you to express yourself, and then refine it :). I’m glad things are changing, I don’t think this post would have existed a decade ago, at least not in the mainstream.

      Your blog has wonderful pictures and thoughts, commenting right now

  12. i agree on ‘buy variety’ instead of buying multiples. gosh, do guys have to pick out clothes they’ll wear the next day? i haven’t met a straight guy who does that though. haha.

    thanks for this post! 😛

    • Exactly, can you imagine buying the same stuff on one occasion? I think even a retailer would frown. Yeah the next-day planning, on a daily basis, is difficult to carry through, rather impractical too. Spontaneity is the key!

      Thanks for your compliments, just visited your powerfully written blog too!

  13. I completely agree with your assessment here. And would love to know your take on women and which, if any (or all) of these principles apply to us. I’m still wearing the same scent from (gasp) 2003 (but thankfully not the same bottle, lol). I know, that is probably super boring.

    I have enjoyed perusing your site and will forward it along to the hubby, too.

    Congrats on Freshly Pressed, from one FPer to another. 😉

    • Thanks for the compliment, FP bud! Glad to be of assistance!

      I think guys trends tend to parallel women’s trends with a time delay, so women probably should look at this as something they’re used to doing… that is a broad generalization, so I’d have to look deeper into insights and behavior to come up with an equivalent list for women, and consult my significant others! With regards to fragrance, I would still suggest variety.. if you like one scent, by all means use it for years and make it the one thats consistent on your dresser, but use it on certain occasions, not every day of the week. A different, lighter scent for daily (if you have 0-3 year olds as your blog suggests, they love powdery and floral scents), a light/fresh one for work, and a heavier/stronger one for evenings is my general rule of thumb. Substitute any one of these with your favorite (depending on where it fits in) and that’s set! I think it adds variety, appeal and ambiguity. And 3 fragrances used simultaneously last longer than 1 :). There’s so much out there to choose from!

      I will actually be having a post about fragrances at some point, stay tuned!

  14. I def think your list is timely. Within the frames of GQ I can be a bit disgusted. I choose when I have the option to check out what Esquire is bouncing around. I tend to go with what’s comfortable or buy things that can have dual appeal for the area I live in. For instance I have a blue and grey striped seersucker suit coat that is perfect for my job or to dress up a bit in jeans, or when im heading out on a boat with a pair of khakis.
    Personally I think the fedora thing is cool, however I see way to many guys sporting them and it’s gotten to be a bit obnoxious. Mens makeup, well the guys in the super tight jeans, and I don’t mean wranglers, have been dressing their faces up since the 80’s courtesy of Robert Smith of the Cure and Morrissey. Cheers to your post…

    • Thanks for insightful comments!

      I agree, its good to buy stuff that’s comfy and with dual purpose. The seersucker coat is quite a trend too, so if you chose it out of comfort, you made a trendy choice! As you see from my point 1, I like hair products so I don’t cover them with a hat, but fedoras look great. I’ve noticed guys makeup too, slowly infiltrating. I think the bulk of the population (even the trendy part of it) is remote from it, so we’ll see when it really gets mainstream.

      Thanks again, and very nicely written musings on your blog!

    • Thanks for the compliments! Given that men’s fashion follows women’s fashion (more or less) with a time lag, you’re definitely on track if some of this appeals to you!

      Great blog by the way, just commented!

  15. Excellent post. Articulate, well thought out and you persuasively argue each point. Some great advice re:buying variety, not multiples: a common trap as many men have the thinking “blue 501’s suit me so I bought 10?”

    It’s also really rewarding to try out a trend as you can end up surprising yourself. My blog has encouraged me to purchase items that I never dreamed of wearing and the end result was so liberating.

    One point I disagree with is that the internet is “Quickly languishing in terms of it’s usage”. 140 character twitter posts can never compete with considered, eloquent articles like this.

    Keep up the good work

    • Thanks for the amazing compliments! Yes, trends are rewarding, and if you don’t try it, you’ll never know!

      The buy multiples suggestion was awkward – I mean I do know some friends who buy 2 of the same shoes, sometimes two of the same pants, but lose the interest twice as fast when they see another. The internet comment is actually true, internet usage is languishing! But to your support, while I agree that 140 characters cannot be as expressive as an article, the last couple of characters can embed a link for you to read more 🙂 That was the intention there.

      Thanks so much for your specific and positive remarks! Your blog is awesome too, taking a look at it right now.

    • Yeah haha, probably 10ish years ago this article wouldn’t have been relevant. But things are changing, thankfully! Glad you enjoyed it. Great blog, by the way!

  16. Pingback: Thy Nose Knows Best « Food, Fashion & Frameworks·

  17. Hey, I love all your post. You write really really well! I love this post especially. The world needs more men that are stylist!

    • Thanks for the gracious compliments Michelle, and for liking the post! I will definitely follow up with posts similar to this one since it seems stylish guys tips are in demand. Thanks a lot for the comments once again, really nice of you!

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